It is almost one in the morning, I don't understand why I am still up? But hey I am, so why not make use of this time. Today went actually real well for me, I got the day off from work, so I was able to catch up on my school work. Which take a huge weight of my shoulders, but tomorrow it'll be like I'm starting all over again.. My dearest friend Lindsey showed me this new artist, Cady Grover? I love her voice, it's kind of beautiful.
Today I think I figured out what I want to do for my creative writting project, I'm incerdible excited about it, but the same time a little worried, I dont know if I should go with it. It would have this small supernatural twist in it. Must figure this out! Something I hate. I dont like it when I have to think about something or write that has a date and it's something someone tells me to have done. In a way it blocks me, I wish it wasn't like that, I have to work on it because it's not a good trait to have! Wow, I really need to go to bed or I will be kicking myself in the morning... Ok, Goodnight everyone
Supernatural is good!