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Monday, March 5, 2012

To those who Believe in the future of their Dreams.

For those who know me they know what I like to do. You know what I dream to do with my life. And for those who don't well, it's capturing that precious moment maybe no one else can see. It's my passion. Yours might be becoming a doctor, maybe a police officer could be joining the army. All these noble choices that could be chosen from and I pick photography for god only understand why. But when I get behind the lens of any camera I feel safer then I ever possibly remember being. I know that probably sounds completely insane but that's the truth. I would google almost every night since I was twelve years old looking at all the photos thinking to myself that'll be my picture one day. I will have great photos that people will love. And of course when I was a kid I would run around being a waitress and a nurse. Screaming through out the house saying, 'This is what I'm going to be when I'm all tall and grown!' to my mom. And she would always say to me I know you are honey. You'll be the best one out there. She told me that every week when I had a new idea. But this one has never changed. There hasn't been a single moment where I have been, 'This isn't what I want to do.' This is the closest thing I have ever felt like I was okay at that I could do this and never change my mind about it.
